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Let's work together with ZumPad: The passive

Something new for a change. I wonder if you can manage. Go there.
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The Zumpad-Server is often down presently perhaps due to too much traffic these days.


Class 8 --> Assignments

The following tasks are for my students who have to stay at home these days because of the Corona virus disease. Hi everyone. Please pull yourselves together and get to work. (There is a bug in the menu bar on the right. When you use a mobile the menü is at the bottom. Can't change the "Kalender" into English "calendar".)

Date: 18th March
Do the (click here) following exercise exercise in your textbook A4 p.66 no.7: Put into the passive.
After doing the exercise here you find the solutions.


Class 11-12 --> Der englische Wortschatz für die Oberstufe

Hier steckt Arbeit drin!
Bei diesen Vokabellisten handelt es sich um die ca. 3000 Wörter im Anhang des Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Wenn man diese Wörter einigermaßen kann, versteht man garantiert jeden Abitext. Die folgenden zwei Listen beinhalten nämlich alle diesen Wortschatz, sind aber unterschiedlich angelegt.
Es ist das sogenannte "defining vocabulary", Ausdrücke, mit denen das Wörterbuch arbeitet, um die eigentlichen Ausdrücke zu erklären. Wenn man also das "defining vocabulary" gelernt hat, kann man jeden englischen Text verstehen.
Diese Wörter sollte eigentlich jeder Oberstufenschüler können. >> Ganz lesen

Class 11-12 --> False friends

A false friend is a word in a foreign language which looks or sounds similar to a word in your language but does not have exactly the same meaning. In the English language there are many words which are false friends for speakers of other languages. >> Ganz lesen